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Mayor's Blog

Please note information below on the Critical Intersection Program from Bjorn Hansen, Senior Planner, with Union County.  Please review carefully.  I encourage all Fairview residents to use the interactive map link and provide your input on intersections that you believe need improvement in the Town of Fairview.  Public comments can be made until May 5, 2023.  Thanks to all for providing your input!  Mr. Hansen's phone number and email address are listed below if you have any questions.


Critical Intersections Program  


If you drive, bike, or walk in Union County, you likely have an opinion about various intersections and which ones are problem spots for delays and safety concerns. During the next four weeks, you are invited to make your voice heard and provide feedback about various intersections in the County through the County’s Critical Intersection Program. County staff are working with staff in local municipalities to identify intersections in Union County with a critical need for improvement, so that information can be communicated to the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT), which owns and maintains most major roads in Union County.


While Union County does not build or maintain roads, the County does play an important role in planning and prioritizing roadway improvements in our area. County planning staff work collaboratively with our regional partners and staff from the various municipalities across the County to ensure local priorities and needs are heard at the state level. 


One way the County has been effective in doing this is through our Critical Intersection Program, which seeks to identify specific intersections where improvements are needed to enhance safety and alleviate congestion. County leaders want all residents to have the opportunity to be heard in this effort to ensure improvement projects are broadly supported.


Residents can share thoughts on intersections where they want to see improvements at this interactive map .  Your input will help county and municipal staff develop a list of locations where intersection improvements are needed and feasible. From that list, a short list of approximately 5-10 intersections will be submitted for funding to develop designs and cost estimates. County staff will coordinate again with local municipalities to seek additional public input from residents during the design phase of these projects through in-person meetings, online surveys, and other opportunities.


Critical intersection improvement projects can include roundabouts, medians, sidewalks, crosswalks, new turn lanes, and other cost-effective changes that are proven to have a major impact on improving safety and alleviating traffic.


Visit the map to provide your input before the public input period closes on May 5, 2023. If you have any questions, please reach out to Senior Planner Bjorn Hansen, 704.283.3690 or


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