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Q.  Who makes zoning decisions on my property in Fairview?

       A.  Town of Fairview

Q.  What is the difference between the Lane Use Plan and the Zoning Map?

A.  The Land Use Plan is a guide for now the Town should develop in the future.  The Zoning Map shows actual zoning districts (which determine the uses that are allowed).

Q.  If I do not like my current zoning, what do I do?

A.  You can request to be rezoned by the Town of Fairview.

What procedures do I follow?

You would get a rezoning application from the Town’s Zoning Administrator, complete it and pay a fee (according to a fee schedule adopted by the Town Council).  The application would be forwarded to the Fairview Planning Board.  You would present your case to the Planning Board and they, in turn, would make a recommendation to the Town Council.  The Town Council must have a public hearing.  Once the hearing is completed, the Town Council could make a final decision.  (Ordinance information and applications are on the website under “Ordinances/Permits” from the home page)

       What happens if I do not like the final decision made by the Town Council?

            You could file an appeal with the Superior Court.

Q.  What procedures do I follow if I want to subdivide my property?

A.   There are two different sets of procedures:   one for subdivisions into five or less parcels; another for larger subdivisions.  In either case, a plat would need to be prepared and submitted for approval by the Land Use Administrator.

Q.  Who do I see if I have questions in the future on zoning or land use matters?

 A.  You would contact the Town Zoning Administrator.  This person is in charge of administering the Land Use    Ordinance.  (Present Administrator – Ed Humphries)

Q.  What happens if I disagree with the decision of the Land Use Administrator?

 A.  You can appeal his/her decision to the Fairview Board of Adjustment.

Q.  How do I stay abreast of land use matters in the Town?

A.  A variety of ways… (1) you can get copies of the Planning Board, Board of Adjustment or Town Council agendas; (2) you can attend meetings of these boards (they are open to the public); (3) you could request that the Town Council appoint you to the Planning Board (it is comprised exclusively of Fairview residents); or (4) visit the Town website – or

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